Tuesday, May 3, 2011

On silly young teens, bad directions, and pepper jack cheese: destroyer of dreams

First, I've determined that I don't want to use my livejournal anymore because I am no longer an angsty, silly college undergrad and am now just a silly college undergrad.  And that will change on SATURDAY!!!  Also, this was a lot longer, but I shortened it, so get over it already.,

Now I present: my day!

5:26 am: I receive a phone call from PESG offering me a job.  It's for middle school so I immediately hang up.

5:27 am: I leap out of bed and boot up the computer thinking I could sign up my husband, who enjoys attempting to teach angsty, unreasonable, overly hormonal pubescent children.  Yes, I know I used angsty twice.  It won't happen again.

5:28 am: I spot the job online and it's for a choir teacher that I've subbed for before.  In fact, she went out of her way to promote me and sent my information to all of her colleagues.  So, in the spirit of being nice and not a giant jerkface, I accepted the job and proceed to ready myself.

6:50 am: I continue to bitch about middle schoolers and the two TERRIBLE classes that I know I'm in for because I taught them once.

8:10 am: The first TERRIBLE class proceeds to be angelic.

10:15 am: The other TERRIBLE class proceeds to be very well behaved.

11:21 am: Now this is important for later.  I eat a very healthy lunch consisting of fruit, veggies, yogurt, and a sandwich.

11:52 am: I restrain myself from spearing about 5 7th grade boys with the wires I almost pulled out of the piano with my angry brute strength.  They were "singing."  And by singing I mean yelling.  Then, they told me that that's how you're supposed to sing.  I also heard someone mutter, "It doesn't matter.  Nobody knows if our teacher's not here."  I then murdered them with the lasers that must have been shooting out of my pupils by now.  I sliced the crap out of their smart little vocal cords or maybe I just got mad and chewed them out a little.  I informed them that I had gone to school for music for 6 years, had been in music loooooong before that happened, and that they weren't going to pull that crap over on me because I know how to sing.

12: 53 pm: I watch part of Matilda with sixth graders.  Twice.  Then, I drive home.

3:33: I get home and ask my hubby what the voting today is for.  Hey now!  I'm not completely irresponsible. I knew some of it was for school board, but I was unaware of the library millage.  He then gives me directions to the school I need to go to:
      Him: Blither blather south on Belsay Road. Bli...
      Me (interrupting): South on Belsay got it.  Where at?
      Him: Between the two signs that say "vote here."
      Me (while running out the door): Okay see you in a bit.

3:46: I have now driven to Belsay and 5 miles south.  I realize that this is definitely not where Bentley JH is, so I give Mr. Ethan a call.
      Me: Sooo... how far is this school?
      Him: It's by court.
      Me: ...So not very.  I'm by Maple.
      Him: No, it's north on Belsay.
      Me (getting pretty irritated by this point): So by south you meant north?
      Him: No.  If you were driving south on Belsay, it would be north of court.
      I then engage in an intense internal struggle not to kill him via the force
      through the phone and wonder why
      anybody would give those directions based on where we live.
      Him: Go north past Court.  It's on the r...
      Me: Thanksbye!

3:55: I turn around in a parking lot because I drove past the school.  I finally get inside, locate the gym and click click click all over the floor because I didn't go to the right part of the gym first.  I relish the sound of my little heels on the floor.  They're saying "I'm so classy and professional click click click.  Clearly, I also represent the highest taste in style because look at my pointy little toes and nifty pattern."  I place my "I Voted" sticker carefully on my classy grayish-silvery shirt so that when I go places later, everybody knows.  They'll know I'm a responsible, classy, stylish professional adult with my clicky shoes and sticker on my fancy grayish-silvery shirt and black pants.

4:39: I put on water to boil for some mac & cheese.

4:40: I eat a few almonds, a handful of Chocolate Chex, some scrumdiddlyumptious seafood salad, a piece of salami, some crusty topping off the banana crisp I made last night, and apparently everything in sight because I'm an undernourished vacuum.  So much for my healthy lunch.

4:41: I pour the pasta in the water and determine that if I don't want to eat the entire contents of the larder/refrigerator/pantry/cupboards/house I should set the alarm and go upstairs.

4:51: I make, get this, MAC AND PEPPER JACK CHEESE!  I thought this would be the best idea ever because pepper jack is the best cheese ever.  It was severely disappointing.  But, now thanks to a ridiculously lengthy discussion with a few people on Facebook about it, others are going to try it.  May your wildest pepper jack dreams come true.  And if they do, tell me how you did it because even though I'm a really good cook and never use recipes, my pepper jack dreams were shattered.  THEY SHATTERED MY PROFESSIONAL, CLASSY, SHOE-CLICKY DREAMS!  SHATTERED I TELL YOU!!!